Water delivery and the origin of life on Earth

Supriya Rao 1st Jan 2023

The connection between water delivery and the origin of life on Earth is a fascinating topic in astrobiology and planetary science. While the exact mechanisms of how life originated on our planet are still being investigated, scientists have proposed several theories, and the presence of water is considered essential in most of them.

Water is crucial for life as we know it because it serves as a solvent in which biochemical reactions can occur. It also helps in the transport of nutrients and waste products within organisms. Therefore, the presence of liquid water on early Earth is believed to have been a key factor in the development of life.

One theory regarding the origin of water on Earth is that it was delivered by comets and asteroids during the Late Heavy Bombardment period around 4.1 to 3.8 billion years ago.

Key Points

  • Water's abundance and solvent properties crucial for life.
  • Primordial soup: oceans harbored organic molecules.
  • Chemical reactions led to basic compounds.
  • RNA world hypothesis: RNA preceded DNA.

Key Points

  • Hydrothermal vents may have hosted early life.
  • Water facilitated reactions, stabilized molecules.
  • Water vital for sustaining life, regulating Earth.
  • Water's polar nature allowed for the formation of lipid bilayers

One theory regarding the origin of water on Earth is that it was delivered by comets and asteroids during the Late Heavy Bombardment period around 4.1 to 3.8 billion years ago. This period was characterized by a significant number of impacts from space debris, which could have brought water-rich materials to our planet.

Additionally, recent research suggests that water may have been present on Earth's surface much earlier than previously thought, possibly as far back as 4.4 billion years ago. This water could have originated from various sources, including volcanic outgassing and the accretion of water-bearing minerals during the planet's formation.

Water is essential for the existence of life as we know it because it functions as a solvent that facilitates biochemical reactions. It also aids in the transportation of waste products and nutrients within organisms. Consequently, it is widely believed that the presence of liquid water on the early Earth was a critical factor in the evolution of life.

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Rohit Agarwal

One prominent theory suggests that much of Earth's water was delivered by comets and asteroids during the early stages of the solar system's formation. These icy bodies collided with the young Earth, bringing water and other volatile compounds.


Priyam Pandey

Water vapor and other volatiles were released from the Earth's interior through volcanic activity, gradually accumulating in the atmosphere and eventually condensing to form oceans.


Rohini Gomes

A significant portion of Earth's water may have originated from interstellar clouds or through chemical reactions on the surface of grains in space, which later accreted to form the planet.